King Swamp - Music Videos
Are there any videos out there?

There are three King Swamp music videos that can be found here. It is unfortunate that the videos on YouTube are blocked thanks to EMI. We see no reason to block a band's video when it was never made available to the public and is still not available to the public. Also, why not allow fans of a band that put out two albums over twenty years ago enjoy a little nostalgia. Seems silly, don't you think?

We make no claims over the content here and they are available purely for historical means to allow long time fans and, perhaps, even new fans to see a great band that was never properly promoted by the record label in the first place. Click below and a video player should open in a window shortly.


"Is This Love" The complete video - just click to start

"Blown Away" video - just click to start

"Wiseblood" video - just click to start

Are these videos out there in other places on the internet?

Yes and they can be viewed below if you are in the proper country. Thanks EMI.......Enjoy if you can!

King Swamp LIVE 1989- the only known live video out there!!!

King Swamp "Is This Love?" music video

King Swamp "Blown Away" music video

King Swamp "Wiseblood" music video
The video below is a collection of video shot while King Swamp was being formed. Thanks to Andrew Poole for pointing this out! Enjoy!
The video below contains a rare rock instrumental by Dominic Miller